Item Description

The rigid latches are the strongest when we look to other latches with the same dimensions. They are mostyl used in tough applications.

Item Description

Adjustable latches combine the advantages of the rigid latches (strength) with
the ability to adjust the fastening length. The adjustment is realized by a screw

Item Description

Elastic latches have built in flexible components made of steel wire forms or
flexible steel strips. They are designed for use in applications where small
misalignments are inevitable. They can also resist shocks and vibrations
without opening.

Item Description

The rotational latches have another approach. The closing action is not realized by a lever. By turning the butterfly, the drawhook moves into the latch and tightens the connection.

Item Description

The Spring Equipped latches can cope with larger misalignments. Therefor they are ideal for use in applications where components may vary in thickness or attachment distance.

Item Description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nibh sed elimttis adipiscing. Fusce in hendrerit purus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin quis eros odio, dapibus dictum mauris. Donec nisi libero, adipiscing id pretium eget, consectetur sit amet leo. Nam at eros quis mi egestas fringilla non nec purus.

Item Description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nibh sed elimttis adipiscing. Fusce in hendrerit purus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin quis eros odio, dapibus dictum mauris. Donec nisi libero, adipiscing id pretium eget, consectetur sit amet leo. Nam at eros quis mi egestas fringilla non nec purus.
